On-Demand Classes
Discount Book Promotions
Learn when, why, and how to use short-term discounts as part of your book marketing strategy in this 80-minute video-based course.
Intentional Incubation: The Writer’s Edge
Want to fit more creativity into your writing life? Learn to make room for incubation in this short course.
Building Your Author Platform
It’s never too early, or too late, to start building your author platform. Watch this webinar for ideas of how to build your own.
Buy my product
Anne Janzer's book marketing courses are packed with solid facts and actionable items. She speaks candidly from in-the-trenches experience and research to ensure that she is sharing up-to-date information in the ever-changing landscape of independent publishing. It's real-world information you can put to use immediately.
Online Classes Offered Through Partners
Free Business Writing Series (WordRake)
Erin Lebacqz and I put together this business writing course series at the request of WordRake. We cover four topics: brevity, simplicity, writing with authority, and giving/receiving feedback.

If you are interested in having Anne and Erin host a workshop for your business, contact me.