A few years ago, I set out to crack the code behind what made my favorite nonfiction writers so powerful. I wanted to know why their words stuck with me and what I could learn from them as a writer. That journey turned into Writing to Be Understood: What Works and Why. To my surprise, […]
Keeping your writing to yourself?
Shipping the work always feels risky, awakening the demons of doubt. Here are three ways to get past them.
Writing In Disguise
It’s October, and that means Halloween is coming! In that spirit, this month’s writing exercise is to pick a costume—write in disguise!
Review of Says Who? by Anne Curzan
If you’ve ever despaired over where to put commas or felt guilty about accidentally misplacing an apostrophe, you need this book. If you climb up onto your high horse when you spot “incorrect” capitalization or split infinitives in others’ work, you also need this book.
Writing with the window open
Most of us love writing with the metaphorical windows open. Sometimes, though, we’ve got to close them. Knowing how to manage our open attention is part of the job of being a writer.
Preorder my next book on Kickstarter!
Find out about my next book, now up on Kickstarter!