The most common writing advice I give most people is this: Shorten your sentences. Not all of them, but many of them. Show mercy to the overloaded reader.
Flux: A Book Review
Flux, by April Rinne, is about adjusting your mindset for the world in which we live—one in which the pace of change is accelerating without any sign of letting up.
Print or Audiobook? Yes, Please!
How do audiobooks affect us as readers? As writers? As with any technology, the answer isn’t always simple. But it’s a question worth asking.
Patience: A Critical Writing Skill
The toughest writing skill to learn—and live—is patience. Patience is the necessary companion to practice.
How to Practice Writing
The key to better writing is practice. Practice is almost magical—and it’s accessible to everyone.
My Story Journal Experiment
At the start of 2021, I started keeping a daily story journal, to improve my storytelling skills. Here are the results after half a year.